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Matt Knollman

Matt Knollman is the Unit 3 battalion chief for Liberty Township Fire in Butler County, Ohio, and a content developer for Lexipol. He is the operations rescue team manager for the Butler County Technical Rescue Team. Knollman also works as an instructor for a local trade school, teaching multiple disciplines including fire, EMS, instructor, command and officer training. He enjoys teaching wilderness first aid and high-angle rope techniques to youth as part of the Boy Scouts of America. Knollman received his associate degree from Cincinnati State.

Focus on heat resistance, video quality, durability, ease of use, cost and special features
Saving lives is the name of the game, but with proper decon, the life you save may be your own
Pack your gear, fire up that stove, and get ready to chow down like a king under the stars
The best way to avoid analysis-paralysis during an MCI is to ‘get some of your thinking out of the way’ beforehand